Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Will California be Able to Smoke Blunts Legally?

In California, the biggest debate coming up for the elections on November 2nd is about the legalization of marijuana. Polls show the people of California are closely divided. The majority of the big time politicians oppose the idea to legalize marijuana in California. Personally I think marijuana should be legalized for a certain age category. Fifty-one percent of people that were arrested in 2009 were arrested for something that had to do with the sale or possession of marijuana. Prisoners cost the people of our country an enormous amount yearly, because all the money that pays for their living comes from our tax dollars. I think this would also help the part of our society who is struggling right now and could use a few more of their tax dollars back. It has been estimated that the legalization of marijuana with a high tax rate on it could make California up to 1.4 billion dollars a year in revenues from those taxes. The fact that alcohol has a greater negative effect on one’s body should mean in my eyes that alcohol would be more illegal than pot.  If anything there should be an age to which pot should be legal for, similar to buying or consuming cigarettes or alcohol. Far too many high school and college aged students already smoke pot; I think it makes them feel cool to be disobeying the law while enjoying the undescribable affects it temporarily bestows on the body. Just like under aged drinking has grown into quite the legal issue, I think the growing need to smoke pot by teenagers throughout America is going to cause more legal problems than it’s good for.