Sunday, October 10, 2010

Little Perspective

Following is an interview with a fellow student attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Q: What is so great about lighting up?
A: Well, food tastes great hahah. Really it just helps me relax; I'm a very energetic person and it mellows me out. Overall, everything that night just becomes more enjoyable.

Q: At what age do you think most people smoke their first blunt? How about your first time?
A: I did it first in my junior year of high school but most of my cannabis consuming peers had ripped the ganja prior to being in high school.

Q: Do you think marijuana is more harmful to prepubesent humans than those who are already fully developed?
A: I don't know, smoking at any age doesn't seem like a good idea. That being said, I haven't felt as if my physical wellbeing has been compromised because of inhaling this plant. In fact, I was a all american athlete in high school and I smoked pot before most practices; I was still beating the kids on the regular.

Q: Have you smoked the legal insence yet? And how does it compare?
A: Yea I have. I don't think you could ever imitate the way marijuana makes you feel. It has this weird balance of making you more sensitive to everything around you while also keeping you calm [this happens because it increases your heart rate while similtaneously lowering your blood pressure] The legal incense raise your heartrate and bloodpressure which scares a lot of first time users.

Q: Why do you think medical marijuana should be legalized?
A: I don't see how sick people smoking marijuana is any worse than sick people taking morphine or anti-depressents in fact it probably doesn't have as dangerous side effects as most prescribed medications do. In addition, people are more likely to get addictive to pain killers than pot and quitting has no withdrawls symptoms at all. I can vouch for that since I have been clean for 2 months since coming to college.

Q: Do you think agree that properly grown and sold marijuana would be significantlly healthier/safer than the reefer sold on the streets?
A: If it was monitored by the government with regulations than I think it would get healthier and safer. This is more of a regional question though because most people who live in states that have medical marijuana or in neighboring states end up smoking the same pot that is sold at dispensaries. Most lacing and tampering with pot happens with really low grade marijuana known as mersh or regs. I've personally never smoked that kind because it doesn't feel as good to be high on it. Its poorly grown pot with a low grade percentage of THC so its more harmful as you inhale a lot of other bi products.

1 comment:

  1. This interview is really interesting!!!! This was a great way to get another person's opinion here at Carolina. I find it interesting that he says he hasn't noticed his well-being change since he started smoking. I would think that it would make him less capable to be an athlete, but I guess not. The last question you ask is insightful because I didn't know about the tampering of pot.
