Monday, October 25, 2010

A Legal Substitute??

There is all this fuss about a legal substitute for marijuana. This so called "fluff" or "spice," is a smoked substance that is supposed to give off a high similar to marijuana but is legal. I really didn't know much about the substance so I went and did a bit of research. "It was invented by Christopher Burmeister and the high it causes is believed to be caused by a mixture of synthetic cannabinoid drugs" (Synthetic Marijuana, 1). The ingredients attempt to mimic THC, but does it do the job? The answer is yes, politicians believe that the people of California that don't need marijuana for its medicinal uses should be satisfied smoking this instead because it is "less dangerous" and legal. They are right, it is legal, but it is unexpectedly dangerous. Some side affects include panic attacks, hallucinations, delusions, vomiting, increased agitation, and dilated pupils. Most politicians don't even know that the high gained from high grade spice is more than the high gained from regular marijuana. So my question is, why is this legal instead of marijuana. It has negative side affects and causes the same high as marijuana, at a heftier blow to the wallet than marijuana, but it seems to me that it is just as dangerous. more information can be found here:


  1. I am actually interested in the same question you are. I wonder how the effects of marijuana actually affect you more or less than this legal spice? I don't believe there are that many differences so I would be interested to know why marijuana is not legal and this substance is.

  2. I have seen some of my freinds use this legal stuff. It seriously messes with you more than marijuana does. It's not a joke. So again we ask, Why is spice legal and marijuana not?

  3. I have also been around some people when they have tried this "legal/safe" stuff. Its bad news bears. There have even been incidents of overdosage where the victim starts throwing up blood and has to go to the hospital. I think it's absurd that this poison is legal and weed isn't. Hopefully we will come to our senses soon.

  4. I agree 100% i think that spice is not a better solution. I think that it has negative side effects that effect your health as you stated but the only side effect that weed has is a strong case of the munchies haha!
