Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Proposition 19... the Facts

Most of our nation knows about Proposition 19, also known as the Control and Tax Cannabis Act, but what I've noticed is that people don't know the details behind what they think is just "legalizing marijuana." The regulations would include that
people the age 21 and over would be able possess one ounce of marijuana for personal consumption, smoking would have to be done in non public place such as a residence, and one would be able to grow weed in a space less than or equal to 25 square feet. Local governments would be able to authorize the resale of marijuana in amounts under 28.5 grams, regulate the places of resale, and authorize larger amounts to be grown in special circumstances. "Any person who is licensed, permitted, or authorized to sell marijuana, who knowingly sells or gives away marijuana to someone under the age of 21 results in them being banned from owning, operating, or being employed by a licensed marijuana establishment for one year." There are already laws that are written to go along with this proposition that name the consequences for selling or providing under aged persons with cannabis. Proposition 19, if passed, will take affect tomorrow November 3rd.


  1. I find this post very interesting. Until reading this I always thought that legalizing marijuana meant making it avaliable to everyone. I had no idea the kinds of regulation that would accompany the legalization. I am very curious whether or not proposition 19 was passed or not.

  2. I think this proposition is very interesting as well. I think that limiting the amount and setting an age limit is a good idea. If alcohol can be consumed at 21, why not marijuana? It's not like marijuana is that much worse to than drinking to where it shouldn't be legal.

  3. I think that the regulations are a good idea. And I think that people would be less opposed to legalizing marijuana if they knew how many regulations would be in place.
