Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Implications for the Future

Looking past the fact that marijuana remains illegal in California, I still believe proposition 19 has a promising future. It's not the end of the world hippies, so don't give up hope. When you take a look at the results of the election, the majority of people who voted for legalization would be considered youths. Youths in this case are people under the age of 25. I think that in another 4-8 years or so when more people become of age to vote the outcome could be in the pot smokers favor. It could be hard though because after seeing what the 60's were like people thought there was no way this wouldn't pass. With these two generations being the majority of voters a few years from now could be a politicians worst nightmare hahaha... or we could turn out to be the most influential voters of all time.
"What'd the '60s say? Pot will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no pot." I think change is inevitable but we'll just have to wait and see about this one.

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