Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Other Blogs Worth Reading --- This blog i really enjoyed reading because it hits a huge debate which I think is one of the most important if not the most important issues that we are facing today and will be facing in the future. I think that if this issue is avoided and remains as laid back as it seems to the public right now, it could be the end of us all. It's a sad fate for the most intelligent beings on this planet. I am obviously in favor of alternative energy just like the author is and maybe that's what made it so enjoyable to read. His argument regarding the bettering of the earth as a whole is undoubtedly true. The evidence is there and he brings up all the points to back it up. We need to cut back on oil consumption and the only way I see that happening is if there is an alternative source of energy that is reliable and safe for our environment. The US especially needs to find an another source of energy because our reliance on other countries is becoming out of control and in my eyes can come up and hurt us in the future. --- This is another blog that really caught my eye and brought me in for an informing read. The author here informs us about the current problem regarding the building of a mosque near ground zero in manhattan. This interests me a lot because I live only about 20 minutes away in New York. It's been on the news non-stop since august and I hadn't really learned a thing about what each sides arguments yet. This blog really helped me understand what both sides were looking at. I still remain on the non building side because I feel it isn't necessary to acquire that exact location when it's causing this many problems. --- Another one of my favorite blogs is about the current holy war. I never knew much about the wars we have been intervening with in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I never had the time to look deeper into the problems which surround them. It seems that many are under informed, such as people like myself, and automatically side with Israel in this battle. Never would I have known the other side to this long history these religions have had with each other, butting heads constantly over this unresolved issue.

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