Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Theory Battle

There were two main theories regarding this issue. One side is worried about what negative effects could happen if marijuana is legalized, and the other thinks it will be beneficial to our society and our economy. The first side sees marijuana as a gateway drug to other more dangerous drugs such as heroine and cocaine. They think that if put in the hands of the youth, the drug will open a door to the adolescence becoming more curious with the effects of stronger drugs. Although marijuana is not addictive, this side believes it will also result in a decrease in the productiveness of society which will hurt our economy in the long run. The other side who support legalization believe the opposite. They have calculated that this can be a major breakthrough and opportunity for our economy to boom, especially assisting California. Once they saw that it could effectively raise 1.4 billion dollars in taxes every year, they were sold. When looking at the negative effects, this side points out that cigarettes, alcohol, and tobacco are all legal, addictive, and cause many problems in society when used in the wrong way. In the wrong hands, many substances can become deadly, even our average prescribed cold medicine. Also they go to point out that there is already a substance on the market which has more negative effects than marijuana called spice or K2 which gives off a similar high but with a heftier price on one's health. Sooner or later these two sides will have to find a healthy medium. I think right now it is too hard to tell what legalizing marijuana will do because when it was legal in the past it was a whole different world. There needs to be more extensive research done on the difference between marijuana and the substance spice which IS legal. In the long run I think one side will have to settle for less than they had hoped for, but I think they will find a solution to their differences.

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